
2009 Resolutions

Rob-have a winning record for our football team, paint at least one more room this year, getting the big "V", and defeating Dr. Eggman.
Jen-to be better organized, be a better wife, mother, friend, and housekeeper, be healthier, buy less, and scrapbook more.

Hudson-do more science, read a lot, be better at sports, unplug stuff when we're not using them, turning off lights, and learn to ride my new bike!

Avery-(for her revolutions =) learn to read, learn to ride my new bike without training wheels, dressing up my dolls and brushing their hair, put my toys away where they belong, and keep my room clean. I hope to play when I go to kindergarten this year!

Carter-less whining, less sneaking, no more drawing on the walls, learn to go potty in the toilet, and lots more giggles and snuggling!

Jaylen-Roll over, get teeth, eat REAL food, give more hugs and kisses, learn to crawl and walk, and keep on smiling! Avery would like Jaylen to give her more hugs and kisses and smiles too!


Mamma Bear said...

All wonderful resolutions. Happy New Year!