
She sleeps, she sleeps

Four nights in a row this girl has slept through the night. Then why, OH WHY, can't I???

She's been our best sleeper, really. Usually only waking once in the night for a change and a feed and then back to sleep. Lately has been taking a longer siesta and getting up about 5-6 for a couple of hours. I can barely get 2-3 good straight hours of deep sleep. And, I'm sure she'll be changing her ways as soon as I do get into that deep sleep. She's busy trying to learn so much. She can roll over when she holds my fingers for leverage and has rolled back twice, but hasn't figured out yet she can do that by herself anytime. As soon as she's on her belly her little tush goes up, legs curl up and she looks like she's about ready to crawl away! She is seriously ready to be on the go. Me, not so much. LOL

She loves to dance and will giggle for me when we do. Carter thought he should hold her the other day, grabbing her off the couch. She fell to the floor and cried for a sec and decided she didn't mind. Luckily it wasn't a long fall. Gotta watch that boy! I can't leave her on the floor without being in the room because he'll go give her hugs and kisses, which actually reads, he'll go smother her. But, I'm glad he loves her so much. Since the alternative would be awful!
editted to add...this girl is 17 lbs! WHAT??? 3months and 17lbs? And tall, she mostly wears 9mo clothing so it's long enough for her legs. I've got a 3mo outfit on her today and it comes up to her knees. You all know she isn't get her height from me! LOL


Mamma Bear said...

Oh my - she is growing up so, so fast!! I hope you do get sleep soon!

We are looking at never being able to leave ours on the floor if we are not there becuase of the dogs! We will defintiely need a portable playpen type thing. Don't know all the new terminology - LOL.

grams said...

What a cutie!! Would love to snuggle!