
A is for Avery

Avery McGwire turns 5


She got her name because I was telling Rob a story about my friend Jon Avery and said I liked his last name for a girl's name. I just remembered that I last saw Jon when Hudson was 1yo and that I didn't know I was pg with Avery at that moment -kinda poetic! McGwire, of course came from Mark McGwire, Rob's favorite baseball player.

Here's some things about Avery, in her own words ~

I like...dolls

I don't like...Blue

My best friends are...Ruby, Stella, Melanie, and Allie.

I think my mom...is nice.

I think my dad...is nice.

Papa is...nice.

When I grow up I want to be... a teacher, a doctor, and a mom

My favorite movie is...Cinderella

My favorite tv show is...Dora

My favorite toy is...Littlest Pet Shop

I wish that...I could go to Disneyland every day.

My favorite food is...macoroni and cheese.

My favorite restaurant is...McDonalds and In and Out.

My favorite animal is...the giraffe.

I like that Hudson plays with me and loves me. I don't like nothing about him.

I like that Carter likes me. I don't like that he is rude to me and hits me/pinches me/pulls my hair/bites.

I like that Jaylen plays with me and I can't wait to play dolls with her when she gets older. I don't like nothing about Jaylen.


grams said...

Can't believe she is that old all ready!